When Menopause Starts

  • Post category:Health
  • Reading time:12 mins read

I always associated the word "menopause" with old women. In my mind, it was something that only happened to Grandmas - the little old women kind with white hair. It was like this derogatory word, and it signified a certain stage of life that nobody wants to be in. Now that I'm in it, I realize almost everything I thought about menopause was wrong.

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Hormones and Tests

  • Post category:HealthNews
  • Reading time:14 mins read

Hormones - they're chemicals our endocrine glands produce which tell our organs and tissues what to do. They regulate our metabolism, sex drive, reproduction process, growth & development, mood, and sleeping patterns. They have such tremendous roles in our bodies that if we have too much or too little of a certain hormone, something is bound to go wonky, sort of like a recipe gone wrong. Stay tuned, because I'll be talking about our hormones and what hormone tests can do for you. What questions do you have about hormones? Be sure to type it into the comments so I can be sure to provide answers 😀

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