Well friends, here we are – flu and cold season is upon us. It’s the annual catching of this and that (not to mention COVID-19). So I want to share with you what I’m planning to do to help myself recover from a stomach bug (which I hate the most – I can’t even say that enough. I hate it. Like, literally. Hate.), common cold or fever.
When I’m not feeling well, when I’m in the “moment” (or moments) – probably the last thing I care about is eating “right.” I just want to feel better and for some reason I feel like unhealthy comfort foods will do the trick. I just want to eat something that will make me feel better. A little “comfort food” to soothe my tender tummy.
The irony is, when I eat “comfort food” (usually snacky stuff like chips, pudding, ice cream, or whatever else), I don’t feel better – I don’t feel comforted. I actually feel worse. And it’s no wonder – since I’m not feeding my body foods to heal it or strengthen it. The so-called “comfort food” is only breaking my body down further – preventing any real healing from taking place. But in the moment, I don’t take the time to be intentional or evaluate outcomes. I just want what I want when I want it. How about you? Or is that only me? Only me, k – let’s move on …
Comfort Food, you're outta here!
The madness ends here and now. (I say that with some strong intent and a tone of determination – just imagine it if you will.) Instead, from here on out, as I’m recovering from an illness (and especially one that robs me of bodily fluids), here are the foods I will seek out and devour (although probably gingerly).

Stews, Soups and Bone Broth
When meats and veggies have cooked for a long time, they’re easier to digest and this makes a tender tummy happy. Bone broth is healing to the gut because of the enzymes and minerals it contains. It’s also very easy on the digestion because there’s nothing to digest; it’s simply liquid (packed full of nutrients).

Coconut Water
Basically nature’s electrolyte, coconut water will keep you hydrated so it’s very beneficial during loss of fluids. And if you combine Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides with the coconut water, you will have a boosting protein electrolyte that’s easy to digest because the peptides digest almost effortlessly in our bodies. Pretty cool!

Unsweetened Applesauce
Apples contain pectin, which acts as a probiotic in the gut and even reduces inflammation. Unsweetened applesauce will give you just enough sweetness without the inflammation added sugars cause.

Bananas contain resistant starch which ultimately helps with hydration and electrolyte replenishment. Resistant starch also helps replenish healthy gut bacteria and can help prevent constipation. So eat bananas whole, frozen or mashed – any way you like!

We all know how important hydration is – but even more so in the case of an illness that diminishes bodily fluids. So get plenty of water, try some herbal tea with lemon or ginger (which helps with nausea) – or both! Be sure to sip it slowly if you feel nauseated. And stay away from caffeine since it’s a diuretic.
You will want to give your body the rest it needs (or demands) during times of sickness – whether it’s the flu, a cold, an injury – whatever. And this can be the hardest – especially for busy, driven individuals. But it’s pretty important in the “get well” factor so do yourself a favor and just surrender to resting for a day or two (or several).
Now, I am far from perfect, so realistically I may still reach for the ice cream or hot cocoa when I’m under the weather. (Just wanted you to know I’m human.) Those who know me know I’m a big fan of progress over perfection. My hope in sharing this information is that we are now equipped with better choices the next time we’re not feeling our best.
So there you go – some alternatives to the comfort foods (which really aren’t comforting in the long run). We strive to keep our diets on point during times of health – let’s do the same during times of illness. Our bodies will love us for it!