Let’s talk about goals. You know, the kind you make and then … forget. Maybe not always. But for the most part. Because in the beginning, goals are awesome. They’re motivating, inspiring, and exciting! But you move past the hype-filled, exciting start, into like the end of the first week maybe, and then poof … they’re gone.
Perhaps you told yourself the goal was too hard. Or you changed your mind. Or you convinced yourself you didn’t actually have time for it. Or you “realized” it was too far fetched. Or your spouse/family/friends weren’t supportive. And then you just plain gave up.
Does any of this sound familiar to you? If not, you can stop reading. But for those of you who can relate, stay with me.

A goal is a commitment you make to yourself. So if you can’t keep a promise you’ve made to yourself, how can you keep commitments to others? And then how can others count on you to do what you say? Perhaps the word “goal” is overrated. Still, the truth is, goals are significant because commitments are really important, and we should take them seriously. You want to be counted on, right? And you want to be true to yourself, right? So let’s stop the madness! Goals are serious business.
Are you ready to break the habit of self-sabotage yet? The answer to that question will be the same as your answer to this one: Are you prepared to give your goal priority – NO MATTER WHAT? If you answered yes, then we’re on the right track! If you answered no, you might need to do some more soul searching, experimenting, or even simplifying. But I hope you’ll stay with me for a little bit longer to learn more.
So your goal is so important to you that you’ll accomplish it no matter what? AWESOME! Now we’re getting somewhere.
To achieve goals, we must form new habits.
Because if we continue to do the same old things, we can’t expect anything to change, right? I mean – if I say I want to lose 15 pounds – but then I continue to eat the same and be just as passive, do I really want to lose 15 pounds? No, not really. I might think it’s a really great idea and hope it happens. I probably even tell myself I really want to do it. But I’m just fooling myself unless I’m willing to make changes in habits (right now) to meet my weight loss goal.
I’m not saying it’s an easy process, but it can be more simple than we make it out to be. So let’s break down a goal together.

GOAL: I want to sleep at least 8 hours each night.
I already know I need to wake up at 6am to get ready for work, so to get at least 8 hours of sleep each night, I need to be asleep by 10pm. This means I need to be in bed by 9:45 (that gives me 15 minutes to fall asleep). And to be in bed by 9:45, some things need to happen first. Like, I need to get into my pajamas, wash my face, brush my teeth, set out clothes for tomorrow, and so on.
I should give myself about 30 minutes for these tasks, so to break it down further, I need to start getting ready for bed by 9:15. So I guess I’ll need to change my habit of being on social media and/or watching tv until 10:30 (or later) every night to achieve my goal. I’ll also need to change my habit of being on social media and/or watching tv until 10:30 (or later) every night to achieve my goal.
My plan:
- Put on my pajamas after dinner (at least for the nights I’ll be home)
- Set the alarm on my phone for 9:15 to wash my face, brush my teeth, set out clothes/lunch for the next day.
- Set a 9:45 alarm on my phone to leave phone charging in the kitchen, climb into bed, lights out, close my eyes and go to sleep.
I have options, of course.
Response #1: I can make this goal a priority and do what it takes – with a no-matter-what attitude – to achieve it. I may not always do it perfectly, but I’ll do my best to get it done.
Response #2: I can sabotage myself with excuses. Excuses like: But I love watching tv before bed. My husband and I have shows we watch together, and I’ll miss out on being with him and watching our shows together. Plus, I’m really not tired at 9:45 – I’m more of a night owl (*please see Circadian Rhythm post). And it seems so early. Plus, watching tv makes me tired, so I’ll just watch it until I’m tired, whatever time that is. Plus, if I start getting ready for bed at 9:15, I won’t get any time to myself. I don’t even get home from work until 7pm! Forget that!
Which response indicates that my goal is a priority, no matter what?
Does Response #1 mean that I will do this flawlessly every single night? No, but it does mean that I will do what it takes, no matter what, to do what I’ve stated I will do – be in bed by 9:45. I will do my absolute best. My best may sometimes be 9:50 or even 10 or later, but my goal is the same, and I’m committed to it – no matter what. And if I get to bed past 9:45 one night, I’ll get right back to it and be in bed the following night by 9:45. I will keep my commitment to myself.

So what’s it going to be for you? Will you set goals? Hopefully, you answered yes, because what is life without goals, after all?
Will your goals be vital to you? Important enough to follow through, give them priority, and do what it takes to accomplish them – no matter what? Because if they are, your success will have no limits!
And if you need help creating goals or accountability to stay loyal to them, I’m here for you. Just click the link to the right to schedule your free initial consultation right now!