I'm only as good as my clients think I am. Discover what they have to say about working with me below.

I came to Angela about a year ago with a long list of symptoms that were keeping me from my daily activities and playing with my kids. After one session, Angela and I formed a plan and within one week I was feeling 50% better. Even though I’m a Nurse Practitioner with a minor in nutrition, I couldn’t help myself. Angela’s knowledge base about nutrition, hormones and stress is well beyond my formal education.
We started with diet changes which was very difficult for me because I had been a vegetarian for well over 20 years (with a few years of veganism) and she wanted me to start eating meat! Being a vegetarian was not only the way I was eating, but had a moral commitment component for the environment and living things. With Angela’s help and patience I am now eating meat again and feel better than ever. I am able to exercise regularly, I’m not starving between meals anymore and I haven’t had an episode of low blood sugar (being hangry) in almost a year.
The knowledge and confidence I have gained in the past year while working with Angela are immeasurable. Getting healthy again was my primary goal and I am 99% there! I have gained so many things along the way that I didn’t intend. I have become more mindful and grateful for my increased activity level, I am loving and thanking my body daily for all that it does for me and I am making good food choices at every meal.
Working with Angela is one of the best choices I have ever made. She helped me change my life.

After years of cleaning up my food choices, desperately trying to feel better, starting & stopping so many new and improved diets, I was introduced to Angela and quickly joined her online AIP coaching program.
When the others in the group were seeing positive results, I was still stuck, even though I strictly followed her plan. Angela took the time to work closely with me, one on one, until I started seeing the results we both wanted for me.
After the program ended, I knew I needed more of the support and knowledge she had to offer. So, I started with her private online coaching. What I thought would be a what to eat, what not to eat for continued healing meetings, quickly became what’s happening/happened in my life that might have started and contributed to my gut issues and mounting stress.
I’ve learned so much from Angela, from how food choices affect our physical and mental health, to managing daily stress and life’s continuing ups and downs. Plus, how to acknowledge, see & celebrate my strengths and to know that I am so much more than I thought I was. Angela has a wealth of knowledge that she shares generously, because she cares so much about each of her clients!

Angela is exactly the kind of person you want to be rooting for you on your health journey.
Before meeting with her, my health journey always felt like a yo-yo experience of drastic changes, and none of those changes ever led to a sustaining lifestyle. I was tired of quick fixes and knew I needed outside encouragement.
Angela’s wisdom, experience, and accountability is what has led to a true lifestyle change for me. We have dialed in the best nutrition for my body, paid close attention to bloodwork, and now have seen some amazing changes and healing in my body.
I am down 18 pounds, my cycles have gone from irregular to working like clock-work, but most importantly – I am excited to continue learning, and I am loving my body toward optimal health.

I have participated in a few food challenges in the past, so I had an idea of how “clean eating” might go. However, I had no idea that it could be so easy with the help of weekly grocery lists, numerous recipes, and the support of someone like Angela – whether it was in our meetings, or a quick message to her to ask about a specific product or a food substitute or simply to say “I want cake!!!”.
With her response of encouraging words that it is likely “not worth it”, I have lost over 15 pounds on my journey, and I continue on a program with Angela to this day to keep chipping away the pounds.
However, most importantly is how good I feel, knowing that I am fueling my body with good food and providing the same for those nearest and dearest to me.

Working with Angela was one of the hardest things I have done and one of the best decisions I have made. She does more than create a nutrition and workout plan; she addresses your full physical, mental, and emotional health.
She helped me address the root issues to my negative eating behaviors and thought patterns. I soon realized how deeply intertwined my beliefs about food, weight, and self-worth were tied to events in my past.
She worked with me weekly to create habits that built upon each other. She exhibited tough love but also compassion and grace. She affirmed me and the hard work I was accomplishing. She had truly changed my life and helped me to put my health first.

Although I have aspired to eat Paleo foods for the past few years, it wasn’t until I began consulting with Angela that I was able able to stick with the plan.
The accountability and encouragement that Angela gives is just what I need to stay on course. Besides nutrition information, Angela also shares information on stress management, exercise and sleep. Attending Angela’s seminars helps keep me motivated to make healthy choices.
Each seminar is packed with the latest nutrition information. She even brings yummy food and shares the recipes! I would highly recommend consulting with Angela and attending her seminars to anyone that is striving to live a healthy lifestyle!

In January, Angela DiBrito, joined the Crossfit team. She changed the way I eat and I am so excited that the thyroid nodules I have had for 10 yrs are GONE! My thyroid is acting normal and everything else is normal! So, I can not recommend her and her program more!! And of course, a side effect, was shedding some pounds. Call her!